A Proposed Evidence-Based Shoulder Special Testing Examination Algorithm: Clinical Utility Based on a Systematic Review of the Literature

Writen by Dr. Paul Ochoa


link to article, here



Likelihood that patient posses a pathological condition was based on:

50% – pre-test probability: combination of patient history and clinician experiences as it relates to pattern recognition 

50% – post-test probabilities  


Development of the Proposed Evidence- Based Shoulder Special Testing Examination Algorithm 

Hypotheses based on patient pain location and symptom reproduction with AROM.  This was a great tool and overall look at patient subjective. It was summarized quire well so its difficult to summarize again, here. I’d suggest reading through this part. 

Rotator Cuff Pathology:

Use of the internal rotation resisted strength test in conjunction with Test item clusters were used to rule in or out pathology:


Intra Articular Pathology:


Extra-Articular Pathology