We like to stay on top of things
Which is why we run this blog.
We’re always staying up-to-date with the latest research, and we love to share our perspectives with our patients and the PT community.

Ground reaction force does not always equal tibial bone stress
GRF ❌ tibia bone stress!⠀ ⠀ I’ve heard this discussed
October 8, 2019

Is it all in your head? Short answer is no, it’s not.
I came across this article on JAMA and occasionally like
October 1, 2019

You can stop worrying about sitting up straight, now
THERE IS NO “GOOD” POSTURE!⠀ ⠀ A friend prompted this
September 20, 2019

Optimization of Treatment to the Subtalar Complex
So happy we can finally share some exciting news!!⠀ ⠀
June 16, 2019

Epidural Injections for Lumbar Radiculopathy??
Great review of effectiveness (or not) of spinal epidural injections.
May 6, 2019

Should Evidence or Sound Clinical Reasoning Dictate Patient Care?
The evidence ‘spokes’ encircling the wheel serves as support for
April 11, 2019

Comparison of Patient Reported Outcome Measurements
First article post of April’s Journal30Club !!! We’ve been looking
April 3, 2019
DanceWell Podcast: Unpacking Tendon Pathology
I love talking about tendons and I finally found someone
March 29, 2019
Recommendations for running injuries
Loving this month’s BJSM infographic by Pope et al.
March 14, 2019

Current concepts for ACL reconstruction
Jumping back in on international women’s day after some time
March 8, 2019