We like to stay on top of things
Which is why we run this blog.
We’re always staying up-to-date with the latest research, and we love to share our perspectives with our patients and the PT community.

New to running? An 8-step plan to get you started
Our very own, Dr. Paul Ochoa was recently interviewed for
February 18, 2022

#DontShameTheShrug – Episode 3
In the season finale of #DontShameTheShrug, I go into some
January 26, 2021

Your Shoulder Hurts But Is It Really Your Shoulder Thats The Issue?
One of the most common complaints Ive been hearing about
October 29, 2020

A Proposed Evidence-Based Shoulder Special Testing Examination Algorithm: Clinical Utility Based on a Systematic Review of the Literature
link to article, here Methods: Likelihood that patient posses
March 29, 2020

Telehealth System: a Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluating the Impact of an Internet-Based Exercise Intervention on Quality of Life, Pain, Muscle Strength and Fatigue in Breast Cancer Survivors
Telehealth can improve quality of life based on physical functioning.
March 27, 2020
Telerehabilitation is non-inferior to usual care following total hip replacement
Nelson M, Bourke M, Crossley K, Russell T. Telerehabilitation is
March 25, 2020
Physical Performance Tests for Runners in the Telehealth Age
These guys are such an amazing resource! Thanks zerenpt and
March 24, 2020
How to structure your Tele-Therapy session (for practitioners)
For many private practice owners, telehealth is a new way
March 20, 2020
Welcome to F Squared Tele-Therapy Sessions!
Have a tele-therapy session coming up? Here are three ways
March 19, 2020